Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Little Simon Cowell in Us

People by nature really have the tendency to be mean, which means, we have the tendency to meddle, to nag and to criticize. We throw mud on other peoples faces pretending we are the most impeccable human beings to have ever existed on earth, as if we possess zero flaws and liabilities. And as if we embody all the positive and desirable adjectives ever listed in the dictionary.

I bet you are familiar with the renowned American Idol judge Simon Cowell. His feisty and sarcastic comments which broke the hearts of many aspiring singers made him a household name. Many says he is the perfect epitome of mean, judgmental person. Maybe because you can usually hear him say lines like "You're horrendous", "Her voice was outrageous", "He performs like a cabaret singer", and the rest like they say is history.

Whether we admit it or not, at once in our lives, we wre once like Simon Cowell. We experienced judging other peoples' physical attributes, way of life, weird beliefs and even mannerisms. I remember very vividly when one of my former high school teacher asked us if we experienced judging somebody from "split ends to ingrown", meaning from head to toe. Indeed, we love putting other peoples lives in scrutiny. Yes, there is a little Simon Cowell in us.

Throwing criticisms, need not to be heartless. There is a thing called constructive criticism. It is unavoidable to criticize. However, we might as well criticize to promote positive changes. A sensible critic gains the respect of the multitude while the ruthless one reaps nothing but shame...

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